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Seethetape patent
Paper Abstract

our patent applications 

Our UK patent was granted in June 2024


We are patent pending in Europe and the USA!

The applications numbers are 


UK:       2205460.5 & 2214178.2

USA:    18/298446

EU:       23275047.1

Stack of Files

Intellectual property

So if light can travel 7 times around the earth in just one second how many times will it go around a roll of clear adhesive tape?! Well... this got us thinking and we realised that the reason that us humans struggle to see the end of clear sticky tape is all that light dancing in and around the tape. We did some clever physics and by changing the property of the tape and its roll we managed to change the way it interacts with light when compared with standard rolls of tape and EUREKA - clear tape on a dark base helps you see the end and find the right place! We did lots of testing, lots of analysing and then found the right type of colour, sheen and tape texture that provides the maximum amount of contrast sensitivity for the best result. Thank you to Bailey Walsh & Co. for helping with our intellectual property - what a great team.

Using a Touch Phone


We are always looking for new and exciting opportunities. We are still small and local so give us a call on the mobile!

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