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Hide and Seek
Don't lose your edge.. anymore!
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Scissor and Sellotape

So.. a new beginning has started. A first world problem solved! Even with the best eyesight, struggles have been hard but finally...our patent pending technology helps us humans to see the edge of clear sticky tape!! All those hours we have lost spinning it, shouting at it and saying, if only there was just a way of seeing the edge of this tape so I can get back to sticking and stop all this scratching!


Well, we have been feeling your pain for years, and now our vision scientists, optical engineers and kings and queens of geekdom, have changed the way we produce clear tape to incorporate our patent pending technology that allows us to see a new future of pain free stickyness!!.

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you see me

you don't!
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This idea was inspired by our visually impaired patents (we work within the NHS). The product has been tested by the Partially Sighted Society with some amazing results.​

Nurse sue gets sticky in her lunch break!
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